Well, hello there. Let me just start by staying this styled shoot is nothing like I imagined it would be… but that seems to be the theme for 2020, doesn’t it? For starters, it definitely didn’t involve me being on the other side of the camera!
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Exactly one month ago Broc and I got engaged!!! On the three year anniversary from our first kiss, Broc slipped this rose gold beauty on my hand while we were snowboarding in Tahoe.
Our proposal story begins like most: one person acting weird and the other cold and irritated. Broc had set it up to propose at the 2pm Northstar Tōst, but it was snowing so hard that it was canceled that day. Broc was acting sketchy all day, and when he didn’t want to drink a beer at the lodge, I knew something was seriously off. He was on his phone and said he wanted to meet up with friends, but he was actually trying to still set it up in secret with the manager.
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Today I woke up feeling lean and inspired to write. Two very rare things. I promised this blog post, hmm lets see, maybe 7 months ago. Yikes. Life happens and it’s hard to blog consistently, but hey, today I woke up less bloated and inspired to write a lil sumthing, so here it is.
If you didn’t already know, I used to be a little chunky monkey. See pics for proof. Over the last few years, I’ve lost over 40lbs - something I attribute to exercise, healthy eating, and a healthy mind. Here are the five biggest things that help me:
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Our fur baby just turned two! Or 24 months if I wanted to be one of those moms…
Loki Bear,
How did we get here so fast? You are the king of head tilts and judgmental looks, my little bear. You’ve come a long way from eating our socks and running away from your own projectile vomit. You’re hands down the best (and only) thing we’ve bought off Craigslist that instantly made us parents.
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In January of 2013, I lost one of my best friends to Cystic Fibrosis. Four months later, on my twenty-first birthday, I lost my twenty-two year-old cousin, Nicholas, in a car accident to a distracted driver. In 2014, I shattered my tibia plateau, tore some vital knee things and had to get emergency surgery. Throw in a break up and it’s safe to say it was a pretty terrible period of time for me. When it rains, it hurricanes.
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Do you ever look at two people hopelessly in love and feel… repulsed?
That’s how I sometimes feel as a person in love. It’s ten times worse when you’re the lonely person out of love. I’ve been there, too.
A few weeks ago on a five-hour flight, I sat next to a man in his fifties with pretentious being his main personality trait. Just some foreword: I despise airplane conversation. Not a fan. It’s like a never-ending elevator ride. I hate it so much that sometimes when my phone dies, I keep my headphones in and occasionally bop my head to keep up the elusion that I’m listening to music.
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Last month, I made a trip back to England for a very exciting event: my sister's Gatsby themed wedding! This would also mark the first time that my boyfriend of over a year, Broc, would be meeting my family... but more on that later.
I arrived a week early to spend some time with my family and to help my sister with her wedding preparations. Turns out there's a lot "umm, I don't know's" when it comes to wedding planning. We spent more hours than I'd like to admit designing 'order of the day's to print. A few days before the wedding, we headed to a fun bridal party put on by some of her friends. Delicious food was had and embarrassing underwear was given.
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This past weekend Broc and I decided to head up to Tahoe with one of his best friends, Brandon, and his beautiful fiancee, Lexie. We took our little pup, Loki, so he could experience his first snow... and snow is what we got!
We went straight to Boreal Mountain for their $15 college student Friday's (my 2011 ID from my one semester is still going strong - heck yeah!) and drove straight into a winter wonderland. Loki got out of the car and preceded to go absolutely nuts digging and eating the snow which was pretty adorable. I like to think that as a husky he's had daily dreams of running across big, snowy plains and all his dreams were suddenly coming true when his four little paws hit that white fluff.
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One year. one year of falling so, so in love with you.
Broc, you're the butter to my coffee, the Kanye to my Kanye, the avocado to my breakfast, lunch, & dinner. you make me want to do more, to be more. and for that, i love ya. that day when you flipped that coin and decided to come with me to bali was such a pivotal moment in our lives and we had no idea. my soul will forever be aligned with yours.
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This year we decided to spend NYE with some of Broc's friends in Discovery Bay. To kick off the night we enjoyed a delicious salmon meal cooked by my boo (round 2 after Loki ate the first batch off the counter). We then had teeny tiramisu cups for dessert that were absolutely delicious and I was satisfied to call it a night at 8pm. But party we must.
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